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Nidec ASI launches its “I WANT A GREEN FUTURE” social media campaign to celebrate the importance of fair and sustainable development

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The company has created this social media communication project to get people thinking about the values ​of environmental sustainability, highlighting the benefits of the transition to an electrical world


Milan, 25 May 2020 – Nidec ASI, one of the leading groups steering the world’s electrical evolution, is launching its new I WANT A GREEN FUTURE communication campaign all over the world to remind everyone how important it is to protect our planet and invite them all to join the company in promoting a global economic recovery that is, above all, sustainable.

We have all seen the beneficial side effects brought about on the environment by the lockdown imposed to counteract the dramatic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, such as better air quality thanks to a drastic reduction in air pollution and clearer waters which has seen fish and fauna returning to our rivers and canals.

The campaign is taking as a starting point these results, achieved in such a short time, to emphasize how our activities must radically change if these benefits are to continue. Consequently, we all have a duty to commit ourselves to reducing our environmental impact, thus guaranteeing a green and sustainable tomorrow for future generations.

Nidec ASI, with the help of its social network team, has managed in-house both the realization of the creative concept and the digital planning of the project which will involve sharing institutional videos, positive initiatives and the celebration of world Earth Days, with a direct tone which aims to kick-start a dialog with young people. Nidec ASI has always, and now more so than ever, been committed to promoting sustainable economic growth across the planet, adamantly believing that by supporting the evolution of energy, logistics and industry it really is possible to make a difference. The growing use of renewable energies, the acceleration in the introduction of electric vehicles, especially for urban transport, and the search for greater energy efficiency in industry, as well as in every aspect of our lives, are central to rapidly promoting significant improvements and preparing for the post-Covid reboot, and Nidec ASI solutions are strongly linked to this evolution.

The campaign will run on the company’s Facebook and Instagram pages, highlighting initiatives and technologies that can reduce pollution, hoping in particular to engage young people who are increasingly attentive to the issues of environmental sustainability, as demonstrated by the events during which they filled city and town squares the world over in recent months. I WANT A GREEN FUTURE will also come to life on LinkedIn to reach the business community and those who are directly involved in the issue of energy transition, something which can no longer be postponed. The campaign images show different people who, holding a sign in their hands, become promoters of the initiative’s hashtag: a choice that hopes to encourage those who see them, especially young people, to imitate the activity on their own social media profiles.

The images we have seen circulating around the globe of dolphins in Italian ports or of deer wandering around mountain cities undisturbed, have given us all food for thought. More than ever, the time has come for a change of direction: abandoning fossil fuels to embrace a model of sustainable development, based on the use of renewables and an electric economy. We can’t wait any longer,” said Kaila E. Haines, Marketing & PR Director of Nidec ASI. “This campaign aims to stir everyone’s conscience, starting from the new generations, raising awareness on the importance of an “all-electric”, greener future, where pollution will become but a distant memory. If there is one thing we have learned from this difficult period it is that it is worth making sacrifices if it is for the greater good and in the interests of all. The goals we are setting are challenging, but I am confident that together we can achieve them“.